KRDP Indie (Live)

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Divergent Sounds

6:02 am 9:00 am

Current show

Divergent Sounds

6:02 am 9:00 am

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Democracy Now!

9:00 am 10:00 am


Jedd Beaudoin

    Jedd Beaudoin shows

    Jedd Beaudoin is an award-winning writer and public broadcaster based in Wichita, Kansas. He hosts the national music program STRANGE CURRENCY. He received his MFA in creative writing (fiction) from Wichita State University in 2001 (where he was a Creative Writing Fellow) and holds a B.A. in English (with an emphasis in writing) from the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater.

    In addition to his radio program, Jedd hosts a local music TV program on KPTS, the PBS member station in Wichita and has worked as a freelance journalist. He served as music critic and editor for two Wichita alternative newspapers, F5 (2003-06) and Wichita City Paper (of which he was also managing editor, 2006-07). He currently contributes music, film, and book reviews to, where he also pens (alternating with two other writers) commentary on country music for the site’s “Kickin’ Up Dust” column.